the ‘world is my family’
My City

We were asked in one of our classes ‘which cities we came from’. We were also instructed to include a memoir from any media- a photograph, a video, a song, or any means of communication that connects us to that city. Ironically, while my classmates were thinking of what connected them to their cities, I sat on my chair, at the back of the class, grappling with the dilemma of which city to choose from the plethora I had been exposed to!!
You see I’m one of the ‘Fauji Brats’ A military slang to describe kids or teens of the ‘active military personnel waging an everyday battle against a proxy enemy ‘,who are thought to be spoilt by adoring parents and their every need is served on a ready platter. What no one sees is the degree of inconvenience the whole family goes through, the dangers it encounters in field areas, the insecurity of such impermanence and the lack of anchorage in such a life. Not that I am complaining.Born in the historic city of Gwalior [Madhya Pradesh], in a dilapidated military hospital, at a meager ‘cost price’ of ninety rupees, I am proud of say that i am the apple of my mother and father’s eyes.MOBILITY being the quintessential ingredient in my roller coaster ride called life I’m a rolling stone that has fortunately gathered a lot of moss. Since birth I was promised the permanency of a gypsy life, punctuated by change in places, friends, and schools. My ROOTS?? They’re as strong and steadfast as the mighty oak. This might seem paradoxical to some, but juxtaposed against my father’s career in the Indian Armed Forces it seems perfectly normal and natural. Every move has woven a new transition; a new flavor with every city has been added to our spicy life. My family and these changing faces of new cities nurtured and nourished my soul, behavior and never allowed me to grow old but rather grow up and be far more mature than my friends. So my ‘hometown’ is technically nowhere, yet everywhere. As I grew up I observed a lot around me and chronicled it in stray diary entries, and moments got tucked away neatly in memories' cupboard. I often wonder what took me to all these places and what made me brave enough to gather myself and start again and again every time.
As I shut my eyes to see what weaves all these moments together, I see my father. A photograph I have with my dad ,as he sat on a chair outside, in our garden, leaning forward and chatting with the 5 and a half year old me , smiling to me like he’s encouraging me to keep faith and enjoy the journey. It’s his camouflage uniform that has made such a life possible. We have always moved together as a family and not split at any moment just because the next city would be cut off, or not good enough for our education. Undoubtedly... my city is where my family is, and my city is my family ever since.....nuclear but complete in itself.
Imbibing all that a place offers me, giving enrichment and I maintaining a cheerful effervescence, humble and grateful in return for the ‘not even a single boring moment’ life. Goodbyes were to meet again, yet in every sorrow of separation you hope and find strength and the ability to anticipate a fantastic tomorrow.
Hence my CITY[s] is Gwalior [MP], Delhi, Pune, Gopalpur [Orissa], Roorkee, Bangalore (many more)-MY FAMILY makes the city beautiful.
- Saumya Pankaj
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